Lila Moss is becoming Diabetes Tech’s most vocal ally

The DiabetesTechCantWait movement is advocating for timely innovations in diabetes care…

Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, requires constant monitoring and management to maintain optimal health. Advancements in technology have ushered in a new era of diabetes care, providing patients with innovative tools and solutions that enhance their ability to manage their condition effectively.

Lila Moss, the daughter of supermodel Kate Moss, has emerged as a passionate advocate for diabetes awareness and activism. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 13, Lila has used her platform to shed light on the realities of living with this chronic condition and inspire others to take action. Her latest Instagram post captioned, “#DiabetesTechCantWait 💉❤️‍🩹” has shed light on the need for more innovation.

“Diabetes tech changed my life making it easier to go about every day life without having to stop and start to inject myself,” Lila explained in the body of her Instagram post, “Being able to control doses in smaller increments with my omnipod, having most of the maths done for me (especially when i’m tired or in the middle of the night) and getting alarms and alerts from my blood sugar monitor has taken so much worry and pressure off of my mind & body not to mention both devices helping to achieve better glucose levels with constant fine tuning.”

She continued, “Having access to the right technology for people with diabetes is so important and should be available to all those with diabetes who need it to improve their quality of life and gain some freedom.”

Lila Moss shared a photo of her Omnipod on Instagram

In the rapidly advancing world of technology, where innovation seems to touch every aspect of our lives, it is essential to ensure that individuals living with diabetes have access to the latest advancements in diabetes care. #DiabetesTechCantWait has emerged as a powerful force, advocating for timely innovations and raising awareness about the urgent need for cutting-edge technologies in diabetes management.

Lila Moss also shared a link to’s campaign page which explains that “Diabetes can be a relentless stream of numbers – but with the right tech, keeping on top of them doesn’t have to feel like a battle. And that can be life-changing. But only if you have access. We’ve seen progress in recent years, but we need to go further, faster. We need to make sure people living with diabetes can access the tech they’re eligible for, no matter who they are or where they live.”

What Diabetes Tech does Lila Moss use?

Lila has embraced the use of the Omnipod insulin management system as part of her journey with type 1 diabetes. The Omnipod is an innovative technology that offers a unique approach to insulin delivery, providing individuals with greater freedom and flexibility in managing their diabetes.

The Omnipod system consists of a small, tubeless insulin pump that adheres directly to the body. Unlike traditional insulin pumps that require tubing and external devices, the Omnipod integrates the pump and infusion set into a single, discreet unit. This design eliminates the need for tubing, allowing users to move more freely without the restrictions associated with traditional pumps.

Lila Moss has been vocal about her positive experiences using the Omnipod system. She has shared how the tubeless design has made a significant difference in her daily life, enabling her to maintain an active lifestyle while effectively managing her diabetes and how the convenience and flexibility of Omnipod has allowed her to navigate the demands of modelling.

The Omnipod system offers features that enhance diabetes management. It has a built-in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) compatibility, allowing users to monitor their glucose levels seamlessly. This integration provides real-time data, empowering individuals to make informed decisions regarding insulin dosing and lifestyle choices.

The Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System

Lila Moss' embrace of the Omnipod system has not only raised awareness about the technology but has also inspired others to explore innovative options for diabetes management. The Omnipod system, coupled with Lila Moss' advocacy, exemplifies the transformative power of technology in medical care.

Why is Diabetes Tech important?

Diabetes is a demanding condition that requires constant attention, meticulous monitoring, and careful decision-making. The traditional methods of managing diabetes, such as fingerstick blood glucose testing and manual insulin injections, can be burdensome and restrictive. Therefore, the movement emphasizes the importance of harnessing technology to empower individuals with diabetes and revolutionize their care.

The #DiabetesTechCantWait movement highlights the tremendous potential of diabetes tech in transforming the lives of people with diabetes. It seeks to accelerate the development and accessibility of game-changing technologies, such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, artificial pancreas systems, smart insulin pens, and mobile applications specifically designed for diabetes management.

#DiabetesTechCantWait also aims to break down barriers to access by advocating for affordable and equitable distribution of diabetes tech solutions. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring that individuals from all walks of life, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographical location, can benefit from the advancements in diabetes care.

What Diabetes Tech exists now?

One of the most significant breakthroughs in diabetes tech is continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems. These devices use a tiny sensor inserted under the skin to measure glucose levels in real-time. CGMs provide patients with continuous data, allowing them to track their blood sugar trends, identify patterns, and make informed decisions regarding insulin dosing and lifestyle choices. This technology has transformed the way individuals with diabetes monitor their glucose levels, reducing the need for fingerstick testing and offering a greater understanding of their condition.

Insulin pumps are another game-changing technology in diabetes management. These devices deliver insulin directly into the body, eliminating the need for multiple daily injections. Modern insulin pumps are equipped with advanced features, such as personalized insulin delivery algorithms, automated insulin suspension during low glucose events, and integration with CGM systems for improved glycemic control. Insulin pumps provide patients with flexibility and convenience, giving them greater freedom to lead active lives while managing their diabetes effectively.

Mobile applications and digital platforms have also emerged as powerful tools for diabetes self-management. These apps enable users to log their blood sugar levels, track meals and exercise, and receive personalized recommendations based on their data. They can also provide educational resources, medication reminders, and support networks, fostering a sense of community among individuals with diabetes. These digital solutions empower patients by putting valuable information at their fingertips and fostering a sense of control over their health.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making significant contributions to diabetes care as well. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and predicting glucose fluctuations. This technology can help patients anticipate and prevent hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia episodes, leading to better overall glucose management.

Continuous glucose monitoring systems, insulin pumps, mobile applications, and AI-powered solutions have transformed the way individuals with diabetes monitor, manage, and live with their condition. These technologies empower patients, providing them with valuable information, personalized insights, and improved quality of life. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more groundbreaking advancements in diabetes care, bringing us closer to a world where diabetes is easier to manage and live with.


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